Friends of Summit
Jesus Shack – Raising a Generation to reach this Generation
Jesus Shack was conceived in 1997 by Dave and Kathy Voss who had a heart's desire to reach the youth of Kern County with a life-changing message. Dave and Kathy saw the powerful attraction that music presented to each generation and believed that a music ministry would be an effective way to reach at-risk youth. As a result, Jesus Shack began as a grass roots concert Production Company exclusively staffed by dedicated volunteers.
Jesus Shack continues to partner with dedicated volunteers from churches, businesses, and organizations in its mission to touch the lives of those in need and show God's grace to literally thousands of people.
God's Garage - For Christians to find God's tools to live the daily life.
Gods Garage is a "MMP" Multi Ministry Platform that's purpose is to unify the body of Christ by connecting all of his ministries on a global front. Through this ministry we can be a part of and support all of his ministries in the world. The internet is a great tool when used for him and to help others. The site will allow us to start living as a global community sharing in our ministries, education, culture, business and our lives with one another in the way it was intended. intends to be a communication Hub and a community for all to live together with a purpose to fulfill his vision for us. Team Racers for Christ – Bringing Inspiration to the World of Motorsports
Team RFC is a group of people whose love of the Lord is so strong that we include him in our everyday activities... even on race day or at the car shows. Our motto is "Bringing Inspiration to the World of Motorsports." To do so we provide chapel services, pastoral care, outreach and Christian fellowship. The Christian Motorsports International, Inc. family of ministries conducts non-denominational chapel services at local and professional racing events nationwide, providing pre-race chapel services, invocations, and a pastoral presence for more than 2000 racing events each racing year -- including drag racing, open wheel racing, motorcycle racing, boat racing, stock car racing, off-road racing, airplane racing, and street riding events. Professional and amateur racers, crew members, sponsors and officials regularly attend these chapels, with attendance occasionally more than 450. Larry Smiley - president of RFC - also serves as the official chaplain of the National Hot Rod Association, the world's largest racing organization.
Faith in Christ Fellowship - Equipping people to change the world through Christian living and service
Faith in Christ Fellowship started as missions out-reach in 1992 by Rev. Wayne DeYoung and his wife Sandy. The building was purchased by FiCF in 1993 and a new ministry was born. In 2002 Chris Kostelansky took over as Senior Pastor when the DeYoungs returned to the mission field in Guadalajara Mexico. Faith in Christ Fellowship believes in outreach and witness into the community and the world; this is reflected in our Vision Statement. We are a body firmly rooted in the Reformed Tradition and our beliefs and positions reflect our faith in God and reliance on His inerrant Word.

Kingdom Community Ministries - Helping people overcome crippling effects of sin & guilt
Kingdom Community Ministries was founded in 2007 by Dr. Michael Mannia, D.Min. with a mission to bring people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and to help them overcome the crippling effects of sin and guilt. Additionally, KCM works with counselees to resolve emotional pain and anguish. We challenge and encourage our counselees to grow and overcome - but not through guilt and shame - rather, through a safe and caring environment. KCM counselors are ordained and licensed ministers who hold graduate-level degrees in Theology and Ministry.
Church without Walls – Sharing Gods Love with the Lost and Hurting
Church without Walls in Bakersfield is a non-profit religious organization that serves the people in the Oildale community. The Church Without Walls ministries include learning God's Word, food, Bible Studies, and a clothing ministry. The Church is led by Pastor Ben Hanna and his wife Margie. The Hanna's are basically missionaries in Oildale dedicating their lives to meeting people's most basic needs for food and clothing, while sharing the Gospel and growing God's Kingdom.

Cross Training 3:16 – Breaking the Chains of Bondage thru Fitness
Inspired by a dream six years ago, CrossTraining3:16™ was established and designed to help churches and businesses develop a program to assist in equipping and ministering to the needs of Gods people, to move them into a more intimate relationship with the Lord (John 15:49) and to share the gift of salvation with the lost. (Matt. 28:19-20) CrossTraining3:16™, originally started as Christian Way Circuit, was founded in 2004.Their program is based on the belief that no individual can be physically fit, without being emotionally, and spiritually fit. CrossTraining3:16™ is determined to provide effective wellness strategies/programs to churches and businesses throughout Kern County. This combines ministry and promotions of health and exercise related activities designed to facilitate positive lifestyle changes within the church and company, and thus thereby creating a healthy community.
Tabitha House Ministries – Sober Living / Transitional Housing
Tabitha House Ministries, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) agency founded by Mrs. Bennie Ruth Jacobs who began serving young women afflicted by domestic violence over 20 years ago. The agency has grown into a very important community organization serving displaced individuals and families suffering from poor decisions. Many of these families are suffering from drug addiction, mental illness or domestic violence in the home. Tabitha House is the only whole family service provider in Kern County and second in the State of California that cares for the entire family; husband, wife and children. The overall Tabitha House program serves over 300 clients every year. The program has served over 4,000 clients within the past 10 years with a comprehensive service package for meeting the needs of these needy individuals and families with children.
Healing Word International - Taking the healing Word of God to the nations.
Healing Word International is a 501 ( c ) 3, Faith Based, Not-for-Profit organization of Chaplains, dedicated to take the presence of the Lord to disasters around the World. Wherever you find victems of tragedy and disaster there you will find our chaplains stepping into the moment with the hurting, helpless, marginalized and desolate people.
SOS Children's Connection - A Resource Ministry
The purpose of SOS Children's Connection is to share the years of experience they have accumulated and offer their resources for your ministry. Their goal is to make it possible for children to Always hear the word of God.
Wonderful Word Ministries - Activating the Saints for the Work of Ministry
Wonderful Word is a ministry rooted in the love of God and dedicated to the Training and Activation of the saints for worldwide transformation. It is their goal for God's love to be manifest in signs, wonders and miracles as well as practical demonstrations of care and affection.