

Entrance Requirements

  1. Complete an application and include a $100.00 filing fee. Apply online or mail a printed application (Adobe Reader required) to Summit Bible College, 2525 M St, Bakersfield, CA 93301.
    Application fee is non-refundable but will be counted in full toward your tuition.
  2. Write a testimony of your "new birth" in Christ and why you are seeking to attend Summit Bible College.
  3. Have a pastor or ministry leader send in a letter of recommendation directly to the college. If you are a pastor, have an elder or another ministry leader send in your letter of recommendation.
  4. Submit any transcripts indicating past college experience. You may send copies of your transcripts to expedite the application process, but please arrange for your college to send official transcripts as well.
  5. If you have ministry experience that may qualify for credit toward your Summit Bible College degree, fill out and submit this form. See this example of a completed ministry experience form.

If you have not received an e-mail from us, it could be because your e-mail provider is blocking e-mails from summitbiblecollege.com. Please be sure to whitelist e-mails from summitbiblecollege.com, and call us at 661-328-1151 for further assistance.

Online Distance Learning

You must have a working e-mail address and be able to submit all of your assignments via e-mail. Please review these notes on the Distance Learning program (Adobe Reader required).


We only review complete applicatons that include the requested personal information, letter of recommendation, and so on. You will receive an e-mail response when we receive your applicaton by standard mail within 1–3 days. Assuming you submitted a complete application, you will receive a notice of your status with Summit Bible College within 1 – 2 weeks.

If you are mailing a handwritten application, please print clearly so that we are least likely to make a mistake reading your contact information.

Each student will be given a fair evaluation of his or her answers on the application, references, testimony, experience, and desire to attend the college. All answers are confidential, and will be evaluated by our pastoral staff.

Notice: All prospective students must be formally accepted to the college through written notice. Students or prospective students who are currently leading a life of open sin against God (see I Corinthians 6:9) or who belong to a cult or occult group will not be admitted to the college. A false statement on the application is grounds for dismissal without credit or refund.