
Online Distance Learning

The Online Distance Learning program is run separately from the Residence College although the policies and procedures are similar. Distance Learning students are not active participants of in-house classes but instead review material and submit work from their home.

Study work consists of "short answer" questions, and the student is expected to participate in an activity or final for each course. Undergraduate Distance Learning students are allowed to take three courses per quarter; Graduate students take two courses per quarter. If a student shows academic proficiency with this load of work, he or she may be permitted to enroll in additional courses per quarter.

Students are expected to finish course work within the quarter of enrollment in the class, but if necessary, students may finish the course in a later quarter incurring a late fee of $10 per course. First quarter students are given a grace period of a two weeks for completion of their first quarter classes. Students who begin in the middle of a quarter can take an extra quarter without penalty for grading.

Payment plans must be completed in the specified time limit or additional fees of $10 will be due for each late payment. Click here for details.

Students must attend a minimum of six months in the Distance Learning program before earning a degree.

Additional Information:

• All students are admitted into programs depending on placement after evaluation of past college transcripts, degrees, and ministry experience.

• Accepted students become official students of Summit Bible College after completing the down payment for the program for which they have been approved. In other words, students do not pay for individual classes but rather for their program given a payment plan or lump sum.

• You may take 1–5 courses per quarter (12 weeks). However, once a course has begun in a particular quarter, the work must be completed within that quarter to avoid a late fee of $10 per course. New students that begin late get an additional “grace period” for their first quarter. The grace period is equal to the time the student missed because of late enrollment or an additional full quarter if more than four weeks of the first quarter has elapsed.

• There is a 5% discount for paying the total program cost up front.

• We may credit up to 50% of our program requirements for courses you have taken at other secular or Christian colleges. If you are using courses in your ministry such as a medical tech in the mission field, those courses may also apply. Check with our counselors, and be prepared to send in your transcripts if you need an analysis.